Poultec adds a touch of greenery
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Bac à fruit promises to transform your apartment's flower beds into a real hanging garden. Your mini garden will feature lively plants, flowers and healthy fruits and veggies!
Gardening on a small scale can be enjoyable and fulfilling. Experts will enjoy focusing their attention on a few of the more exotic and exciting species, while apartment gardening for beginners may mean getting to know some spectacular, easy-to-grow plants that can help you find your green thumb. Flower beds and balcony gardening for apartment dwellers is much easier if you use container friendly plants, greens, and trees. We provide you with a large selection of Mediterranean friendly plant varieties that promise to enchant you with their fruit bearing and aesthetic capabilities.
Our interior landscapers practice the art of designing, arranging and caring for living plants in your apartment. We call it interior landscaping even though there is no “land” per se (usually) involved inside your urban residence. This is because we promise to soften, accentuate and alter your urban space with the addition of relevant live plants, trees and planters effectively “land” - scaping the interior of your apartment!
Bac a fruit offers innovative plant design, installation, and maintenance for businesses throughout the Grand Beirut area. Keeping your office green and beautiful is our business and passion! Our interior plant design services have various benefits and can complement any architecture or theme to help create the right impression about your business. From offices, hotels, restaurants, retail stores to commercial building units and complexes, our interiorscape company designers will ensure that your interior landscape is designed to match your environment and your needs. Beyond office designs, our corporate services also cover the adornment of your restaurant’s tables and the development of your unique corporate gifts!
We come on a regular basis to water, clean, prune, and dust the plants — whatever it takes to keep the plants looking their best. We offer the complete office / apartment plant service. If you take our full care-free maintenance plan, any plant that declines will be replaced free of charge. It is our goal to take all the worry and care of the plants away from our customers. All they have to do is enjoy them. We pride ourselves on our very low rate of customer complaints. Many of our customers opt to add extra color to their interiors with a flowering plant program. Every six weeks, we install fresh blooming plants into the various areas of the offices and buildings. This adds a great deal of excitement and visual interest to their living and working space.
Sana’ really wanted to participate in the trend of "planting your own". Specifically, she wanted...
To keep yourself updated
Diverse for the love of nature